Jan 16, 2024 - 04:17 PM
As to the how to make ozone water, and we are biased here, the safest way to make it is to make sure you are using an EO3, or electrolytic ozone generator. This is because E03 devices use the "O" in H2O, the water itself to make ozone and dissolve it directly into the water. Other ozone generators do make ozone gas, but need a bubbler or other kind of mixing device to dissolve it into the water. Most of the ozone actually escapes into the air you are breathing, and ozone is a powerful lung irritant. That is why they have ozone alerts in cities where ground level ozone is a pollution problem. As to why to drink ozonated water, its because ozone will make sure that you water has no microbes living in it that could make you sick, such as E.coli, and it has also been shown to break down pesticides and herbicides. And because ozone quickly reverts to ordinary oxygen, all that is left is highly oxygenated water, which should make health-conscious folks really happy. Cheers!