Jan 25, 2023 - 03:36 PM
Hello, I am 100% personally of the opinion that this will protect you from giardia, but we cannot make this claim about our product unless we specifically test for it. Giardia, and by the way, Cryptosporidium, are both controlled very well by ozone, and you don't even have to take our word for it. (there are published documents to that effect see the source reference below and in our library) HOWEVER, and this is a big point, we can't claim that about this particular product. Why haven't we tested for it? Because each test costs approximately 30K to be performed by an independent 3rd party laboratory. We did pay for results for organisms that we could afford (such as e.Coli and Salmonella, Listeria) and that's why we can make those claims. But today, you have to either have faith, or wait until we have the resources to do the testing. We are still a tiny company and are fighting our way be able to do this! Its totally on our "to-do" list. Thank you so much for the opportunity to answer your great question. We definitely look forward to the day we can say YES with no hesitation.
Source: Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Technical Guidance Manual, US EPA, Office of Water (4606M) EPA 815-R-20-003 June 2020