Jan 19, 2023 - 05:58 PM
Hello, how do you disburse the water to the other areas? I would suggest trying to treat smaller quantities of water (for example a 55 gallon barrel) with an ozo-pod 50 rather than try to do 20,000 gallons all at once. Our largest unit, the ozo-pod 1000, that you are looking at, could handle one of those square tote sizes , in about 1 hour of treatment time (about 350 gallons). The problem with big tanks is assuring the circulation needed to dissolve the ozone in the whole tank. Generally speaking, the spring water is fine for washing, etc. but you could always use smaller water dispensers with the ozo-pod 10 to just treat the water that is for drinking. Ozone is fabulous for treating spring water. Please feel free to call us at (855)4-Water-5 during business hours to discuss more in-depth and we will share how others solve the problem. :-) Thanks for your interest!