Jan 18, 2023 - 11:10 AM
Place the Ozo-Pod into a large bowl or in your kitchen sink. Fill with enough water to submerge your fruits or vegetables. Plug your unit in and press the On button. Allow to run for a minimum of 3 minutes. Place the foods into the water and cover with a plate if they float so that they are fully submerged. It is not necessary to turn the unit off during the treatment time, but go ahead and turn it off if you get a strong smell of ozone. (if there are a lot of contaminants, the ozone will be consumed in the cleaning process, if you do have a strong smell there is enough in the water to do its job). Turn the unit off. Leave the foods in the water for a minimum of 3 minutes. Drain the sink or bowl and strain the water off with a colander if necessary. No need to rinse unless you want to as the ozone will just turn into oxygen. The foods are now ready to use. Lay the unit on a towel to dry out and put away once dry.